
Social Thinking Speakers

Michelle Garcia Winner, MA, CCC-SLP

Financial: Michelle Garcia Winner is employed by Think Social Publishing, Inc., as an author/speaker and receives compensation for her presentations as well as the sale of her books and by the Social Thinking Center as a clinician. Michelle owns the companies Think Social Publishing, Inc., as well as The Social Thinking Center, and their related intellectual property.
Non-financial: No relevant non-financial relationships exist.

Pamela Crooke, Ph.D, CCC-SLP

Financial: Pamela Crooke is employed by Think Social Publishing, Inc., as an author/speaker. She receives a salary, but does not receive additional compensation for speaking or royalties for books or products. She is also employed by the Social Thinking Center, as a therapist.
Non-financial: No relevant non-financial relationships exist.

Renee Attaway, MS, CCC-SLP

Financial: Speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees.
Non-­financial­: No relevant non‐financial relationships exist.

Nancy Clements, MA, CCC-SLP

Financial: Speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and Executive Director of Social Thinking Boston. Receives speaking fees from Social Thinking for her presentations.
Non-­financial­: No relevant non‐financial relationships exist.

Ryan Hendrix, MS, CCC-SLP

Financial: Author/speaker for Thinks Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees and royalty payments. She is also employed by the Social Thinking Center, as a therapist.
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

Chithra Kathiresan, B. App. Sc

Financial: Speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees.
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

Beckham Linton, MA, CCC-SLP

Financial: Speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees.
Non-financial: No relevant non-financial relationships exist.

Debbie Meringolo, MA, MS

Financial: Speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees.
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

Kari Zweber Palmer, MA, CCC-SLP

Financial: Author/speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees and royalty payments.
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

Nancy Tarshis, MA, MS, CCC-SLP

Financial: Author/speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees and royalty payments.
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

Ariela Jokel, PhD, CCC-SLP

Financial: Speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees.
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

Guest Speakers

Anita Churchville, M.S. Ed.

Financial: An invited speaker for Social Thinking and receives speaker fees
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

Eileen Kennedy-Moore, PhD

Financial: Author of Growing Friendships, Growing Emotions, and various other books and receives royalties. An invited speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees.
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

Nicholas Carlisle, MA

Financial: Founder of the Power of Zero No Bully Program. An invited speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees.
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

Robert Brooks, PhD

Financial: Author of Tenacity in Children: Nurturing the Seven Instincts for Lifetime Success and receives royalties. An invited speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees.
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

Damon Korb, MD, FAAP

Financial: Dr Korb is the owner of Center for Developing Minds and its related intellectual property; author of Raising an Organized Child and receives royalties.
Non-financial: No relevant non-financial relationships exist.

Nancy Rappaport, MD

Financial: Author of The Behavior Code and receives royalties. An invited speaker for Think Social Publishing, Inc., and receives speaking fees.
Non-­financial: No relevant non-­financial relationships exist.

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