

The Power of Thought on Feelings

Jack Pransky Amy Kahofer

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  • Ages: 7-10
  • Pages: 42
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781936943821
  • Published: 2021


The Power of Thought on Feelings, was previously titled What is a Thought?

Why the title change?

A core message of this beautiful poem is how our thoughts impact our feelings and that we can learn to manage our thoughts to help us better manage our feelings. We felt the original title did not convey this message.

What other changes were made to the book when the title changed?

Small changes were made in the introduction and in the back of the book, where some lessons about the content in the book are shared. These changes encourage the interventionist to consider how metacognition is important for learning to regulate oneself. We also explain the process through which we learn to manage our thoughts to help us learn to better manage our feelings.

Overview for kids

The wonderfully illustrated and engaging book introduces young readers to the abstract concept of thoughts and how our thoughts are linked to feelings. By helping children explore metacognitively how our thoughts contribute to our feelings, we also learn to make choices that help us to manage our feelings (e.g., self-regulate based on our personal goals) across different situations in a day.

It gives children hope that they can learn to rise above situations where they may feel “stuck.” It teaches them that their feelings do not come directly from what happens to them or what other people do to them; instead their feelings come from the way they interpret what happened to them in that situation. This helps them learn how to understand and manage their thoughts, which then provides them with the power to also manage their feelings to foster their own well-being.

We all have the power to learn to self-regulate in a way the feels better to us—and it all starts with exploring The Power of Thought on Feelings!

Transform this book into a teaching tool! Download the 10 Lesson Plans and Activities (CD no longer available) to explore Social Thinking concepts, such as perspective taking, abstract language, empathy, and human relatedness. The first 4 lessons are also included in the printed book.

The thoughts of Michelle Garcia Winner

The Power of Thought on Feelings is a charming children’s book with a two-fold purpose. First, it is an engaging story that introduces the concept of thought and the amazing power our thoughts have on our lives. As a read-aloud book it is perfect for parents to read with their children at home and is a valuable and important book for all early elementary school teachers to share in their general education classes.

Second, the 10 Lesson Plans and Activities transform a simple children's story into a teaching tool that explores perspective taking and abstract/inferential language and introduces abstract visual images to its readers. Whether we are parents, teachers, or clinicians, we strive to help our children grow and develop social competencies. Before we can fully support different types of learners and social communicators, it is important to understand where communication originates: from our own creative power of thought!

About the Authors

Amy Kahofer received her Master’s degree in Special Education from the University of Vermont. She has been working with young children, preschool through second grade, for over 20 years in the public-school setting, and is currently teaching first grade.

Jack Pransky has worked in the field of prevention since 1968 in a variety of capacities and now provides consultation, coaching, training, and counseling nationally and internationally. He has published many books for adults, including Parenting from the Heart, Modello: A Story of Hope for the Inner City and Beyond, Prevention from the Inside-Out, Somebody Should Have Told Us!, and also a curriculum for middle-school students called Healthy Thinking/Feeling/Doing from the Inside Out.

About the Illustrator

Tina DuSablon began drawing long ago, while sitting at the kitchen table listening to her grandmother describe her self-taught illustration techniques. She has continued to draw and paint, alongside getting married, raising three boys, and working directly with children with special needs in Vermont public schools. She also lives in Moretown, VT.

Recommended Teaching & Learning Pathway

The Power of Thought on Feelings is best suited for ages 7-10 and is more powerful when taught with other materials. Teaching social concepts should follow a natural sequence, from simple to complex, to support student learning. The following Teaching & Learning Pathway outlines the recommended teaching sequence by age group. As with our products, this pathway is relevant to clinicians, educators, parents—anyone helping a person develop their social competencies.

  • Ages 7-10

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