

Starving the Anxiety Gremlin

Kate Collins-Donnelly

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  • Ages: 12+
  • Pages: 164
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849053419
  • Published: 2013


Starving the Anxiety Gremlin is a unique and award-winning workbook designed to help young people understand different types of anxiety and how to manage them. Based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) principles that link thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, the activities help young people aged 10+ understand why they get anxious and how to use simple, practical techniques to manage their anxiety.

Children's Choice Winner at the School Library Association's Information Book Awards 2014

Starving the Anxiety Gremlin discusses panic attacks, phobias, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This engaging workbook uses fun activities and real-life stories and can be used by young people on their own or with a parent or practitioner. An ideal anxiety management resource for mental health practitioners, social workers, education staff and youth workers.

Check out the Starving the Anxiety Gremlin for Children for ages 5-9.

Michelle Garcia Winner, the Founder of Social Thinking, says:

"Ever wonder what feeds ANXIETY in many of our clients and children? Kate Collins-Donnelly takes a unique approach to tackling anxiety in children and teens by pointing the finger at the inner Anxiety Gremlin. The more we feed the gremlin, the more it grows and exerts it’s power. This workbook is designed to teach practical strategies, based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy principles (CBT), for taming and starving one’s anxiety. One of the best parts of any of the three books in the Gremlin series in the real-life stories from others struggling with the same challenges. This clever workbook is a must have for mental health professionals, educators, therapists, parents or anyone working with or supporting a child struggling with anxiety."


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