
The importance of social emotional learning to a student's academic success

Today's children (both neurotypically developing and those with social thinking needs or social emotional learning differences and/or challenges) are entering school with struggles to learn in a group, attend to a lesson, consider one another’s perspectives, or self-regulate their own behavior. Teachers are increasingly finding themselves ill-equipped with the know-how, tools, and strategies to teach students about social awareness, emotional intelligence, and self-regulation of behavior.

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Why Teach Social Thinking Exclaimation

Strategies to teach students about social awareness, emotional intelligence, and self-regulation of behavior


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This unique resource explores core questions related to the importance of social emotional learning in academic, professional, and personal well-being. Why Teach Social Thinking? details how components of the Social Thinking® Methodology can support learning in a group, paying attention, self-regulating emotions, and even improving academic performance. It also addresses the evidence-informed and research base that is foundational to the Social Thinking® Methodology.

Available on Apple Books and Google Play.


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